
Happy Feet Happy Life!

Walk and run better with pain free feet.

Book Appointment

Initial Consultation

Initial consultation takes up to 30 mins depending on your condition. Services include nail care, cons and callus care, diabetes foot care, warts removal, bio-mechanical assessment of foot.

Subsequent Consultation

Subsequent consultation takes 20 mins. Condition treated at initial session is reviewed and treatment is continued as appropriate.

Nail Surgery (resection)

60 min session is allocated for the surgery. For nail resection service, give us a call 03)9037 7010 to discuss scheduling.

Medicare / EPC referral

Receive your podiatry treatments under medicare / EPC program. We do not bulk-bill and there is a gap payment for medicare referral patient.

(please consult your doctor to determine if you are eligible for a Medicare rebate).

Footwear Analysis and Advice

Your podiatrist will conduct an assessment of your injury history, foot structure, biomechanics and the needs of your workplace or sporting activity prior to recommending your next pair of shoes. our podiatrist has extensive experience with Victoria’s leading technical footwear retailers; Active Feet and The Athletes Foot and will serve as a vital source of information regarding a large variety of brands.

Gait Analysis

Combined, a biomechanical and gait analysis is the systemic study of human motion and muscle and joint measurements, movements and muscle activity. Your podiatrist using the naked eye can perform such assessment, however the staff at Podiatrykinetic, utilise the latest portable, video gait analysis to assist in your understanding of your unique biomechanics and their potential influence on your injury.

Orthotic Therapy

‘Orthoses’ or ‘Orthotics’ are custom made devices prescribed by your podiatrist, which take into account the structural imbalances of your feet and body. Traditionally, orthotics are designed to balance the biomechanical and structural imbalances present within your feet and legs. We feel most people should try over the counter arch supports first. However, while they will match some peoples’ arches, others may find the support too high or low, or too far back or forward.

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The most common reasons people use foot orthoses are for arch and heel pain(Plantar Fasciitis), lower leg tendonitis ( problem with the Achilles and posterior tibial tendon, and “shin splints”) and for knee pain, such as chondromalacia patellae, iliotibial band syndrome and “runner’s knee.” Foot orthoses are made from casts or scans of the feet, and incorporate measurements of your foot and legs and limb length assessment, as well as your exact medical condition. Orthoses can also be important in preventing the development of any deformities in the feet. This may be important for children.